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The Client

TouchstoneFMS is a FinancialERP and IT consultancy providing and supporting high quality solutions to over 300 clients worldwide.

With a rich heritage and a proud 35-year history, the company works with leading software authors such as Infor, Microsoft and Proactis. Given that Touchstone’s customers rely upon their financial systems on a daily basis, they take great comfort from the longevity, experience and in-depth knowledge of the team at Touchstone – it is a truly customer first ethos.

The Challenge

As the market evolves, a growing number of TouchstoneFMS customers are looking to move from an “on-premise, owned” business model to one which takes the burden of cost and management away from their already busy IT or internal teams. They want their Financial Management solution to be provided ‘as a total service’.  In order to make this possible, TouchstoneFMS needs the software it provides to be hosted for its customers.

In addition to an “enterprise class”, 24/7 service, accompanied by full security, backup and recovery capabilities, customers also prefer a predictable cost model with a recurring monthly fee and no further IT costs.

The Solution… powered by BlackBox

To achieve this, TouchstoneFMS has partnered with BlackBox Hosting to offer full end-to-end cloud services; from initial planning to deployment and ongoing support of the IT platform. Powered by BlackBox Hosting and offered to clients under the Touchstone Cloud name, the solution provides a seamless, scalable, and quality service to customers who rely on optimised performance. It is backed-up, resilient and secure, with guaranteed availability.

No matter how complex the cloud and software hosting requirements might be, the data centre experts at BlackBox can deliver mission-critical software as a managed service for all sizes of organisation from BlackBox Hosting’s state-of-the-art, secure, Tier-3 data centres.

TouchstoneFMS customers can now benefit from accessing their systems and information from anywhere in the world, at any time, providing they have an internet connection.

Why BlackBox?

BlackBox Hosting appreciates that effective partnering must be founded upon a bedrock of loyalty and trust. Of course, TouchstoneFMS needed assurances that BlackBox were the right company to provide an “enterprise class” hosting service with super-fast connections and state-of-the-art backbone technology.  The fundamentals of a secure, reliable and available service must also be guaranteed.

However, a great hosting technology foundation is just one part of a strategic decision.

Our goal at BlackBox Hosting is to build long-term relationships with our partners, founded upon two key principles:

  • We want to work with organisations that have a similar ethos and attitude, demanding professional excellence in everything they do.
  • We want to make the commercial proposition work for all parties, which for TouchstoneFMS meant delivering for its clients with the best service at the best price.

At BlackBox Hosting we recognise that long-term relationships will evolve, grow and change over time.  With this in mind we challenge ourselves daily to work closely with our partners in order to adapt rapidly, and constantly improve.

We looked at the software hosting market and considered various options. In the end, what made us choose to build a long-term relationship with BlackBox came down to three key factors: working with like-minded people; being a valued customer; and ensuring the commercial proposition made sense for us and our clients.
Testimonial by David Singh
David Singh
Director of Sales & Marketing
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Want to find out more about what BlackBox Hosting could do for you?

Give us a call on +44 02037 407840 to talk through your requirements or email us by clicking here.